''' Description: ENA PROGRAMMA,POU METATREPEI TA EKATOSTA MIAS DEXAMENHS SE LITRA,KAI TA LITRA SE EKATOSTA Author: Errikos Ntinos Version 1.0.0 (mazema kodika,pros8iki leptomeron sxolion gia boi8eia) Status: VERIFIED Python version used: 3.x ''' # eisagogi apaitoumenon libraries from tkinter import * import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk ''' ermeinia oron: window: einai i onomasia tou para8yrou,mporei na allaxei se otidipote, arkei na meinei to onoma idio pantou.. window.title: o titlos pou fainetai sto para8yro window.geometry: oi diastaseis tou para8yrou window.configure: allazei tin emfanisi tou para8yrou syntetagmenes x,y (orizontia kai ka8eta antistoixa) ''' # sxediasmos tou grafikou periballontos Tkinter - des sxolia parapano... def main(): window= tk.Tk() window.title("ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΗΣ ΠΕΤΡΕΛΑΙΟΥ") window.geometry("800x800") window.configure(background='#F6E0DB') # codeblock 1 # sxediase to label1 gia eisagogi ekatoston label1 = tk.Label(window, text="Πόσα εκατοστά έχεις; ") # topo8etise to label1 stis syntetagmenes x,y label1.place(x=50,y=20) # sxediase ena Entry widget (textbox1) gia to label1 textbox1 = tk.Entry(window, width=10) # sxediase to label2 gia na emfaniseis to minima sou label2 = tk.Label(window, text="Εχεις διαθέσιμα Λίτρα:") # topo8etise to label2 stis syntetagmenes x,y label2.place(x=50,y=50) # sxediase to label3 me keno gia na typosei to apotelesma label3 = tk.Label(window, text=" ") # topo8etise to label3 stis syntetagmenes x,y label3.place(x=180,y=50) # topo8etise to textbox1 stis syntetagmenes x,y textbox1.place(x=200,y=20) # orise tin function gia metatropi ekatoston se litra def button1_click(): litra = round(float(textbox1.get()) * 10) label3.configure(text = str(litra)+ ' Λίτρα') # sxediase to button1 button1 = tk.Button(window, text="Εμφάνισε τα Λίτρα", command=button1_click) # topo8etise to button1 stis syntetagmenes x,y button1.place(x=50,y=100) # telos codeblock 1 # codeblock 2 # # sxediase to label4 me keimeno posa litra paraggeiles label4 = tk.Label(window, text="Πόσα Λίτρα παράγγειλες; ") # topo8etise to label4 stis syntetagmenes x,y label4.place(x=50,y=230) # sxediase to label5 me keimeno litra se ekatosta label5 = tk.Label(window, text="Απο Λίτρα σε εκατοστά: ") # topo8etise to label5 stis syntetagmenes x,y label5.place(x=50,y=260) # sxediase ena Entry widget (textbox2) textbox2 = tk.Entry(window, width=10) # topo8etise to textbox2 stis syntetagmenes x,y textbox2.place(x=200,y=230) # sxediase to label6 me keno,gia na typosei to apotelesma label6 = tk.Label(window, text=" ") # topo8etise to label6 stis syntetagmenes x,y label6.place(x=180,y=260) # orise tin function litra se ekatosta def button2_click(): centimetre = round(float(textbox2.get()) / 10) label6.configure(text = str(centimetre)+ ' εκατοστά') # sxediase to button2 button2 = tk.Button(window, text="Εμφάνισε τα εκατοστά", command=button2_click) # topo8etise to button2 stis syntetagmenes x,y button2.place(x=50,y=290) # telos codeblock 2 # codeblock 3 # sxediase to label7 me keimeno posa ekatosta exei h dexameni mesa label7 = tk.Label(window, text="Πόσα εκατοστά εχεις ηδη; ") # topo8etise to label7 stis syntetagmenes x,y label7.place(x=50,y=400) # sxediase to label8 me keimeno posa ekatosta 8a baleis,apo ton ypologismo pou ekanes label8 = tk.Label(window, text="Πόσα εκατοστά θα βάλεις; ") # topo8etise to label8 stis syntetagmenes x,y label8.place(x=50,y=450) # sxediase ena Entry widget 3(textbox3) textbox3 = tk.Entry(window, width=10) # topo8etise to textbox3 stis syntetagmenes x,y textbox3.place(x=200,y=400) # sxediase ena Entry widget 4(textbox4) textbox4 = tk.Entry(window, width=10) # topo8etise to textbox4 stis syntetagmenes x,y textbox4.place(x=200,y=450) # sxediase to label9 me keno gia na typosei to apotelesma label9 = tk.Label(window, text=" ") # topo8etise to label9 stis syntetagmenes x,y label9.place(x=50,y=500) # orise tin function gia na pros8eseis ta ekatosta pou eixes kai auta pou 8a baleis def button3_click(): centimetre = round(float(textbox3.get()) + float(textbox4.get())) label9.configure(text = 'Τελικά θα εχεις ' + str(centimetre) + ' εκατοστά') # sxediase to button3 button3 = tk.Button(window, text="Εμφάνισε τα συνολικά εκατοστά", command=button3_click) # topo8etise to button3 stis syntetagmenes x,y button3.place(x=50,y=530) # telos codeblock 3 # codeblock 4 # orise tin function,gia exodo apo to programma def button4_click(): exit_program=window.destroy() # sxediase to exit button kai topo8etise to sto telos tou para8yrou button4=tk.Button(window, text="Κλείσιμο προγράμματος", command=window.destroy) button4.place(x=50,y=600) # telos codeblock 4 # begin of codeblock 5 # sxediase to label10 gia to copyright label10 = tk.Label(window, text="Developed by Errikos Ntinos and Epsilon Datum Ⓡ 2022") # topo8etise to label10 stis syntetagmenes x,y label10.place(x=50,y=750) # telos codeblock 5 # DEVEL CODEBLOCK # # edo bazoume ton kodika ypo dokimi.....PROSEXE POU TELEIONEI TO BLOCK # telos devel codeblock # ############################################################################### # MHN EISAGEIS TIPOTA KATO APO EDO !!!! window.mainloop() main()